The Church of Carpe Crucis does not preach or follow the prosperity gospel message. Donations are used entirely for the Kingdom of God.
Bank: The Bank Of New Zealand
Account: 02 1232 0236973 004
|Bank ID| Account No. |
Account Name: Carpe Crucis
Bank: Santander (UK) Plc
Bank Address: 2 Triton Square, Regent's Place, London NW1 3AN, UK
IBAN: GB83ABBY09012838730954 Account: 38730954 Sort: 09-01-28
Account Name: Phoenix Computer Regeneration
For international bank transfers we recommend using TransferWise
Please mark clearly in reference, 'Tithe', 'Donation' and/or country 'Pakistan', 'Uganda', 'India'. Specific country donations will be transferred entirely to that region. General donations may be used to contribute towards ministry costs such as website fees, ministry stationery, etc.
Bank: The Bank Of New Zealand
Account: 02 1232 0236973 004
|Bank ID| Account No. |
Account Name: Carpe Crucis
Bank: Santander (UK) Plc
Bank Address: 2 Triton Square, Regent's Place, London NW1 3AN, UK
IBAN: GB83ABBY09012838730954 Account: 38730954 Sort: 09-01-28
Account Name: Phoenix Computer Regeneration
For international bank transfers we recommend using TransferWise
Please mark clearly in reference, 'Tithe', 'Donation' and/or country 'Pakistan', 'Uganda', 'India'. Specific country donations will be transferred entirely to that region. General donations may be used to contribute towards ministry costs such as website fees, ministry stationery, etc.