The necessary pomp to provoke and delude the Enemy. The real marker that the whole world was indeed turning towards Him. The Book of John continues its account of Jesus's inexorable journey to the Cross, and proving that 'a man's heart is deceitful above all things.' (Read Jeremiah 17 v8:10)
The first convening of this diabolical anti type. We are now out of the realms of the possible and are following the path of the inevitable. The opposition to Jesus and the expression of the intent to kill Him was not new, but the level definitely raises as the High Council of the Jewish people, headed by the High Priest, Caiphas, meet to officially discuss and ultimately condemn the Messiah, to set the precedent for condemnation and rejection that has been the mode de emploi until this day. May God have mercy upon them.
After the lesson in rebuking from last week, a lesson in the humility and simple power of our unstoppable Lord. Two times in the Bible it is recorded that Jesus wept. The shortest verse conveying perhaps the most quintessential characteristic of our God. Here as a precursor to His compassion towards the passing of a family friend, in the other as a precursor to the greatest act of betrayal in human history. All glory to the Living God, who is He, that He is mindful of us? It is very hard to be truthful. It is very hard to be sincere. But, when it comes down to it, we know that the truth is the truth. Jesus had spoken in parables, He had performed signs and wonders. He had opened scripture, He was blameless before even the closest scrutiny. Yet still the people of the Temple courts, merchants and artisans, scholars and officials, merchants and soldiers, doubted and pressed. Even in His answers, Jesus showed a depth, knowledge and understanding of scripture that defied their traditions and challenged their very beings to the point of taking up stones. This preacher takes apart the challenge and the reply and prayerfully opens the way to perfect acceptance and understanding, for God's glory alone. |
AuthorMichael Robert Jackson was baptised in the name of Jesus in 2012, after a forty year walk in the wilderness, ten years after he first came to Christ. He is the least of God's children. Archives
February 2025
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